Thursday, September 21, 2006


We finally played Ultimate. I was rather afraid that not many people would come, but a bunch did. There were a couple people, however, who were rather annoying. One was my dad (who kept on yelling stuff about throwing the frisbee long) and the other was Abraham (who was criticizing anyone who didn't manage to catch a pass he threw at them). All in all though, I think it went quite well, and hopefully next month it will go better, and people will be in better shape with more skill. Hopefully I will have time to practise, and will be able to throw and catch at least a little better.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006


The game pentominoes is a new obsession of mine. Basically, the goal of the game is to make 12 shapes made of 5 cubes each go into a predetermined pattern. It can be done with both 2 and 3 dimensional patterns, and the instruction book I have for it has about 70 different patterns in it. Strangely enough, I find the 3 dimensional patterns easier than the 2 dimensional ones. The 2D patterns are more fun, though I have yet to finish my first one. I must admit that I am actually really bad at these puzzles, I suppose i probably don't have the right mind-set or something.

Thursday, September 07, 2006

New Year

It appears for this new school year I may have to actually work seriously for a change. Fortunately, I have no subjects that I really hate (except maybe lit-it is sooooo boring). From a cursory glance of my schedule, it does not appear that this year should be any harder than last year. However, with a new 3 hour class on Mondays, the work really piles up on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Thankfully the class on Mondays is not mentally draining like the Saturday class, it is actually kind of fun(if anyone tells my mom I said this, they are dead). It appears I will have to start reading books only on week-ends, 'cause otherwise I will get even farther behind (well...I can still read school books on week-days-though I am in doubt as to whether that will be any consolation). I am not exactly a model worker. Hopefully this year will go pretty well as soon as I figure out how much time I need to spend doing school every day....

Anyways, Youth Group started last night, and it went fairly well, though the music on some of the songs was a bit sketchy. Ben came in, which was fun (he stills seems young enough as to almost be able to understand us). It was at the Licthen-Taylors (however you spell that) for the first time, and it went rather well. Surprisingly, no one tried to organize any games, so everyone just kind of talked afterwards. I put through my suggestion for playing Ultimate, and to my surprise, pretty much everyone was interested, so I guess we will be doing it sometime soon...hopefully Denise will come up with a date or something. Don't worry Mr. Barbo, the "old farts" will be invited too. LOL.