Wednesday, October 04, 2006


Yesterday, I had my first Ping-Pong lesson with a professional player (and, in all probability, my last). It was quite a lot of fun, though he only taugh us backhand, and what he taught us doesn't mesh with my style, and he didn't teach us enough for me to be able to do a huge amount with it. He is a perfectionist. He kept on wanting my posture and hand position to be exactly right (he wants my posture to be completely different than how it normally is-as I am quite tall he made me bend down really far) and I think I'll be able to implement those changes to improve my game.
After the class, our teacher showed us his favorite move (which was a forehand slam) and it was pretty sweet. Rather than just using his arm for the slam, he jumped up and slammed it with his entire body. I would really hate to have that done to me when I was playing a game. He did another very impressive thing when I was playing him one on one. He was playing quite slowly and pretty high (being kind to me) and I slammed it to his backhand. He appeared to be utterly unprepared for it (he was standing right next to the table not paying too much attention) and it went pretty high before he got it. To get it, he jumped up and backwards while reaching his right hand across his body and as far up as it could go. And, to top it off, he got it back to my side of the table going pretty slow and very easy to get.
I had one other surprise (though not from the coach). After the class all the students were playing each other. Peter and Luke played first. Not surprisingly, Peter beat Luke (came within one point of skunking him actually). I then played Peter, and, to my shock, he was almost as I good as I was. The last time I had played him, he was barely one tenth as good as he is now. I probably would've lost the game merely from the shock of it all, but, fortunately for my reputation, my reflexes came into action and took over almost completely. Unfortunately, my reflexes were confused by my new posture, so I only won 13/11 with Peter having actually forced me to serve on two game points previously. After beating Peter, I played David, who, as usual beat me=( This more understandable though, David has had quite a few lessons with the Ping-Pong Park, so he knows how to play quite well.
On a random note, I am now thinking seriously about getting my own paddle. Mr. Park has offered to put some professional plastic stuff on it (that normally costs $60) so i think it would be worthwhile, as a paddle only costs like 1000 riyals or so. If I did this I would have a chance to learn my paddle, which might make it worthwhile to try to learn a decent amount of spin. And I have written an awful lot aboout ping-pong so I think I should probably get back to work on my paper before I start to bore Jasmine any worse than I already have...


Blogger Jasmine said...

oh my gosh, can that get any more boring--i stopped reading after the first paragraph and skimmed the rest only stopping when i saw something about money, which turned out to be equally dull, at which point i continued skimming until i found my name, and I read that sentence, because it was interesting and definitely true, and I was happy that you seem to know me so well to know that i would be bored to death by this endless regurgitation of something that i don't care about. kisses!

5:54 PM  
Blogger Jasmine said...

shush evie

12:27 PM  
Blogger Jeffrey said...

wow...yet another female who likes ping-pong and is probably fairly decent...I guess I now know 3 of them...I still wonder why they seem to be so rare.

12:53 PM  
Blogger Graham said...

Spin...Bwahaha! I can beat David when I'm not sick... He beats me too, but thats besides the point. I have been teaching Peter, which would explain his apparent skill...

9:56 PM  
Blogger Jasmine said...

jeffrey. . .because ping-pong's BORING. you hit a little plastic white ball back and forth on a green table. not only is it boring it's aesthetically unpleasant. evie is a special female, as we alllll know. kisses evie.

3:19 AM  
Blogger Jasmine said...

evie, you double posted.
and yes, i'm special. i played soccer today and had so much fun!! i like korean kindergarten soccer.
jeff-face, i need to talk to you you crazy boy. why are you never online?

8:11 AM  

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