Tuesday, October 17, 2006


Okay, this post is going to be pretty weird, but bear with me, it just might make sense by the end of the post...

What if there is only now? No future, no past, only present, and everything that is happening (which includes those things which we normally consider to have happened already and those things which have not yet happened) happens in the present tense. To understand this better, consider a sphere. On this sphere, all events happen (similar to the line time is usually described with). As the sphere expands to allow room for more events, the other events continue to happen. However, as the event of the sphere's expanding has already happened, the sphere is already infinitely large and all possible events have already happened.
This idea of time allows for certain apparent inconsistencies in the Bible, such as Christ having lived for eternity, but was also begotten (I have never before heard a good explanation for this). Using this system of time, Christ would have always have been living and would always have been begotten. Also, this provides a good explanation for God's knowledge of the future. As everything happens in the present, if you can see the entire present, you can see everything that is happening (once again, this includes things which we normally define as already having happened or things that are going to happen). Humans, however, are limited to only seeing a part of the present, and so cannot know what is going to happen later in the present (English really isn't a good language to try to define this sort of stuff in, perhaps I should invent an entirely new language to help people understand it...).
This is approximately my current idea on the nature of time. The whole thing is extremely counter-intuitive, and so is very difficult to think through and explain properly. This, added to the aforementioned nature of the English language, has caused my explanation to be completely inadequate...If only I could utilize some form of telepathy and transfer my ideas that way...Anyways, if you see any glaring impossibilities in it, show them to me and I will attempt to explain them away. I don't really expect anyone else to believe this, due to an early conditioning on the nature of time that is almost impossible to undo...Maybe someday in the future I'll be proved right and this idea will be taught in schools...


Blogger Jasmine said...

I always that that Christ being begotten was just putting him into new form. . .that's not when he originated, obviously.
As for the rest of it. . .I don't know. I have a headache, and you're strange.

9:03 AM  
Blogger Graham said...

this is not the first time I have seen the time-as-a-nonlinear-thing as an argument, but it is by far the most interesting...

I once created the argument that time is circular, and that all events that have happened in the past will be repeated, and thouroughly confused Tim, Esther, and Laura...I think they thought I was just weird, but then they were probably justified. I forget most of my logic for that argument though.

10:08 AM  
Blogger Jasmine said...

wait a minute. . .I'm not teaching this idea in schools. . .can you even imagine the confusion this would cause my class? i get a headache just thinking about it.

7:26 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

no jasmine, the point is that kids won't have the same conditioning you have. As kids are much more impressionable than adults (even immature adults like you) it should be comparatively easy to teach them this idea. Of course, someone would have to dissolve it down to the basics first, but that might not be too difficult (maybe i'll try it and manage to get a more understandable format for this).

10:43 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did you think this up yourself, or did you find it somewhere and it struck a chord?

7:57 AM  

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